School Choice Cram Session: How To Deal With The Anxiety, The Questions, And All Those Options

By LAist (other events)

Sunday, November 10 2024 1:30 PM 2:30 PM PST

LAUSD’s school choice window for applications closes November 15. We can’t tell you which schools to apply to, but we can help you think about how to choose a school. There is so much information to process, and sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know. LAist wants to bring parents entering K-12 for the first time together with parents who have been there before to talk through all the questions, anxieties, and indecision that come with picking a school. (Light refreshments provided, kids welcome.)


Mariana Dale, senior K-12 reporter, LAist


Huriya Jabbar: Huriya Jabbar, PhD, is an associate professor of education policy at the University of Southern California and a parent. Her research examines how families, teachers, and school leaders navigate school choice, and what policy designs improve access and equity in school choice. 

Debbie Steinert: Debbie Steinert was the magnet school coordinator at Sylmar Charter High’s Science Tech Math Magnet for 30 years and retired in 2024. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Cal State Northridge in 1984 and taught physical science at Olive Vista Middle School. She is a graduate of both Olive Vista and Sylmar High and her two children are graduates of Sylmar’s STEM Magnet.

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